Monday, September 22, 2014

George's retirement weekend with his 3 sons.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

A fun weekend on Martha's Vineyard

It's nice to have friends with vacation homes. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Cover Boy

"When Chris Bauernfeind joined the New England Aquarium staff in 2005 as a diver in the aquarium’s Giant Ocean Tank, one of the things he most looked forward to about the job was the relative silence and feeling of isolation beneath the water.

Little did Bauernfeind know that the future of tank diving was in being sociable, not solitary."

The Boston Globe, October, 1, 2013

Well, look who's on the cover of our local paper's Living section.

More pictures and the long read here.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Forest Hills Films presents...

Johnny B's dive in the GOT!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Toasting farewell to 2012 & resolves in 2013!
(Nice job on the camera Elsie!)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Greg & the Steamy Shrimp Boil

Greg, you ARE the master.

Surprise!  Haven't blogged here in literally years!
I couldn't figure out how to post this anywhere else, yet.
I am not happy that this blog is quite narrow, but if you click on the image it goes full size.
Notice in this sequence the lights 'flicker'.  That is the fun
of photographing LED lighting!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Meeting Nancy B

So I got this random email from a lady named Nancy, who invited me and Emily to Easter dinner, and signed it "Mom".  Not knowing if it was a joke, spam, or a case of mistaken email identity, I decided to play along (with spurring from our actual Mom).  Following is the e-conversation Nancy and I had over the last couple weeks.  Enjoy.

NANCY: Hi Chris, thanks for the call and the info about you and Em coming up.  I am going to have ham , a cheesy potato casserole, and asparagus for dinner.  I thought about maybe making stuffed cabages(havent made that in many years).  I could bbq some kielbasi to go with it, which would be easy.  Would bring back my polish roots....As far as bringing stuff, maybe if you bring some coke zero for em, and any other mixer beverages, or extra beer, that would be great.  I am planning some carrot cake for dessert, unless there is any other ideas.  perhaps some chocolate peanut butter bars...All good.  I got bagels from fairlawn, and have some frozen bread that would make some good french toast, if we feel like doing that one morning.  For Saturday, I thought a vetable lasagne for dinner, with salad would be simple.  I get a free one from Shoprite for shopping there, and it is pretty good.  So, that is the full menu, I hope it passes inspection.  I lok forward to seeing you both, and perhaps John, if he makes it.  How crappy he has to work until 5 on saturday.  Well, we will see you saturday, love Mom

CHRIS: Sounds good, looking forward to seeing you... and eating your wonderful cooking! We will certainly bring up some beverages (and may drink some along the way). Speaking of, I've lost your address - can you text it to my cell phone? See you soon! Chris

NANCY: What is this about not knowing our address and to text you it?  That is strange. unless you have early dementia.

CHRIS: You hit the nail on the head.  Just remind me of the town where you live.

NANCY: Asshole scammer...we're onto you!!

CHRIS: Nancy, I am sorry - I was just playing along, I'm not a scammer... I thought YOU were scamming me. Anyway, you've written me numerous times over the years, and I don't know who you are. My mom's name is Sally and she lives in Kentucky. I hope you and your family (and cbauernfeind whomever he or she is) have a nice Easter Sunday. Sincerest apologies, Chris

NANCY: Thank you for the apology, I hope it is true.  I have rarely used that address, but perhaps I had it wrong.  my son had his e mail hacked into not long ago, and he is looking into this right now.  If I sent you things in error, you should have corrected it long ago.  my regards, Nancy

CHRIS: I have to ask. Do you have a son named Chris, and he is with someone named Em?  My wife's name is Emily and I call her Em for short. That would be very coincidental.

NANCY: Chris, Since you had to ask, I had to answer.  Yes, My son is Chris, and is also married to an Emily.  I was not sure if I should respond, but since I was the dummy with the wrong e-mail address, I figured it would be ok.  When he applied for g-mail about 2 years ago, he wanted cbauernfeind to be his address, but was denied since it was already taken.  If you are wondering if we all are related, my husbands parents were from New York state.  There was a large amount of german immigrants who settled there.  In that area, there is a road named after the Bauernfeinds, a Bauernfeind cemetary, and a little hotel Bauernfeind, which is not in use any more.  Bauernfeind is a pretty common name in Germany, meaning "enemy of the farmer". So, unless your parents were somehow related to that part of the country, it seems unlikely. But, this has become the most interesting Easter table conversation.  It shows what a small world we live in.  I am glad this silly error has been straightened out.  Take care, Nancy

CHRIS: Wow, very cool - yes what a small world. My Dad is from northern New Jersey, the small town of Westwood to be exact. And I still have a good number of relatives living in that area. Perhaps there's some relation there?? I've known the meaning of my last name for many years now, and the most embarrasing time it came to light was when I was taking an Agriculture 101 class in college, and the professor knew German. He quickly announced this to all of my classmates on the first day!

Anyway, it was nice getting to know you briefly via email. I am truly sorry about the first couple of emails I sent you. I was just having fun and didn't really think I would get a response.
My wife Emily and I live in Boston, and work at the (New England) Aquarium. If you're ever in the area, I would be more than happy to offer a free visit to you and your family. If interested, you have my email address ;) Sincerely, Chris